Recent Ph.D. Grad Receives Thirty Under 30 Award

June 21, 2014
award group

On Friday, June 20, the 2014 Thirty Under 30 and the six recipients of the Reubin O’D. Askew Young Alumni Award were honored at the Young Alumni Awards Dinner. The Florida State University Alumni Association’s Thirty Under 30 Award was created to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of FSU’s young alumni.

FSU Criminology is pleased to announce one of its own Ph.D. graduates, Karla Dhungana was among the list of recipients. Karla is a Senior Research Associate at The Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington, D.C.

Each recipient must show exceptional achievement and significant contributions to his or her profession, community/society or university. The recipient must exemplify outstanding professional and personal development either through traditional channels or innovative approaches.

For the full article, please click here.