Erin Castro

Assistant Professor
Erin Castro

Erin Castro received her Ph.D. from the University of Florida in the Department of Sociology, Criminology and Law. Her research focuses on disentangling the effect of perceived and objective control on victimization, offending, and substance use over the life course. Specifically, Erin is interested in exploring the risk and protective factors involved in the transmission of deviant and criminal behavior. Her dissertation, entitled “Following in Their Footsteps: The Interweaving Pathway of Self-Control, Depressive Symptoms, and External Parental Factors on the Intergenerational Transmission of Deviance” embodies these research interests. To date, Erin’s published works have appeared journals such as, the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Crime & Delinquency, Journal of Drug Issues, and Deviant Behavior.

Research Interests

Crime and the Life Course | Transmission of Crime and Antisocial Behavior | Adolescent Substance Use | Parental and Family Risk and Protective Factors | Interpersonal Violence | Quantitative and Longitudinal Analysis


Ph.D., 2019, Criminology, Law and Society, University of Florida

M.A., 2014, Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University

B.A., 2011, Criminal Justice, Washington State University

B.S., 2011, Psychology, Washington State University

Selected Publications

Gallupe, O., Boman, J., Nash, B., & Castro, E. D. “Peer Selection and the Use of Lagged Dependent Variables in Criminology: A Cautionary Tale” (Accepted Deviant Behavior, August 2018).

Boman, J. H., IV, Mowen, T. J., & Castro, E. D. (2018 online first). The relationship between self-control and friendship conflict: An analysis of friendship pairs. Crime & Delinquency,

Castro, E. D., Nobles, M. R., & Zavala, E. (2017) Assessing Intimate Partner Violence in a Control Balance Theory Framework. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 10.1177/0886260516689776.

Krohn, M. D., Thornberry, T., Chang, D., & Castro, E. D. (2016) Explaining adolescent drug use in adjacent generations: Testing the generality of theoretical explanations, Journal of Drug Issues, 46(4), 373-395.

Castro, E. D., & Nobles, M. R. (2015). “Violence and Politics.” In M. Shally-Jensen (ed.), American Political Culture. New York: ABC-CLIO.


303A College of Criminology and Criminal Justice BLDG (CRM) Mail Code: 1273
Office Hours

Monday: 12 PM - 2 PM

Thursday: 11 AM - 12 PM

Resume / CV
Castro CV 93.72 KB
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