
FSU’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice is home to the nation’s number one criminology faculty in the world. Our team of experts is ranked number one in the nation for research productivity and are among the top 10 for grant acquisition. Many of our faculty are industry experts and offer extensive research on topics like gun control, biosocial criminology and social control, to name a few.

Research Brought to Life

Our mission is to build an intellectual community that is comprised of students, professors, alumni, practitioners, and policy makers. Through our community’s focus on research, education, and service, we seek to bring research to life by directing our academic efforts to make a lasting societal difference, contributing to improving society by reducing the suffering, pain, and cost of crime in all aspects of the criminal justice system. Through these efforts, we seek to create future leaders in our field that possess critical, research, and application skills, helping them succeed in their future careers and achieve their goals to improve society at large.

Thomas G. Blomberg, Kevin M. Beaver, Julie Mestre, and William D. Bales. Forthcoming. Public Policy and Criminology
Brandy Maynard, Kevin M. Beaver, Michael G. Vaughn, Matt DeLisi, Greg Roberts. Forthcoming. Toward A Bioecological Model Of School Engagement: A Biometric Analysis Examining Genetic and Environmental Factors. Social Work Research
Kevin M. Beaver, Brian B. Boutwell, J.C. Barnes, Michael G. Vaughn, Matt Delisi. Forthcoming. The Association Between Psychopathic Personality Traits and Criminal Justice Outcomes: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample of Males and Females. Crime and Delinquency
Brendan Lantz & Marin R. Wenger. 2020. Guns, Groups, and the Southern Culture of Honor: Considering the Role of Co-offenders in Southern Firearm Violence. Psychology of Violence
Myers, Wesley & Brendan Lantz. 2020. Racist Hate Crime Victim Reporting in the United States and the United Kingdom: A Cross-National Comparison. British Journal of Criminology, 60(4), 1034-1055
Malcom, Zachary T. & Brendan Lantz. 2020. Hate Crime Victimization and Weapon Use. Criminal Justice and Behavior
Piatkowska, Sylwia J. & Brendan Lantz. 2020. Temporal Clustering of Hate Crimes in the Aftermath of the Brexit Vote and the Manchester Arena Attack: A Comparison of Scotland and England and Wales. British Journal of Criminology
Brendan Lantz & Marin R. Wenger. 2020. The Co-offender as Counterfactual: A Quasi-Experimental Within-Partnership Approach to the Examination of the Relationship between Race and Arrest. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 16(2), 183-206
GOMES, Sílvia. 2020. Pathways to Prison: Bordering Social Inequalities through Prison and State. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies.[Forthcoming]
Siennick, Sonja E., and Mayra Picon. 2020. Adolescent internalizing symptoms and the “tightknittedness” of friendship groups. Journal of Research on Adolescence 30(S2): 391-402
Siennick, Sonja E., Samantha J. Brown, Daniel P. Mears, George B. Pesta, Andrea N. Montes, and Nicole L. Collier. 2020. School-based services for youth with prior police contact: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology 16: 207-226
Widdowson, Alex O., Carter Hay, and Sonja E. Siennick. 2020. Romantic partners and young adult offending: Considering the role of partner’s socioeconomic characteristics. Criminology
Siennick, Sonja E., Alex O. Widdowson, and Mark E. Feinberg. 2020. Youth with co-occurring delinquency and depressive symptoms: Do they have better or worse delinquent outcomes?. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 49(6): 1260-1276
Siennick, Sonja E., and Alex O. Widdowson. 2020. Juvenile arrest and later economic attainment: Strength and mechanisms of the relationship. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Jennifer Copp, Bruce G. Taylor, & Elizabeth A. Mumford. 2020. Financial Behaviors, Couple-Level Conflict, and Adolescent Relationship Abuse: Longitudinal Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 30(S1), 255-269