Ted Chiricos

Professor Emeritus | William Julius Wilson Professor of Criminology
Ted Chiricos

Ted Chiricos’ recent research examined the predictors and consequences of criminal justice punitiveness. This work has shown that economic insecurity and the extent to which people link crime with race, increase support for harsh punitive policies. His research also shows that race and ethnicity are important predictors of being labeled a felon, independent of legally relevant predictors, and that avoiding that label by having adjudication withheld after conviction, significantly reduces the likelihood of recidivism. Professor Chiricos was recently honored for his work on labeling theory. His paper, “The Labeling of Convicted Felons and Its Consequences for Recidivism,” along with FSU criminologist Bill Bales and recent Ph.D graduates Kelle Barrick and Stephanie Bontrager was selected as the winner of the American Society of Criminology’s Outstanding Paper Award.

Research Interests

Social Threat and Social Control | Criminal Sentencing | Labeling Effects | Immigration and Controls | Intimate Partner Violence


Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, MA; Sociology

M.A. University of Massachusetts, MA; Sociology

B.A. Merrimack College, MA; Sociology

Recent Publications

Christi Metcalfe and Ted Chiricos. 2018. “Race, plea and charge reduction: An assessment of racial disparities in the plea process.”Justice Quarterly 35:223-253.

Peter Lehmann, Ted Chiricos and William Bales. 2018. “Juveniles on trial: Mode of conviction and the adult court sentencing of transferred juveniles.” Crime and Delinquency 64:563-586.

Stephanie Bontrager Ryon, Ted Chiricos, Sonja Siennick, Kelle Barrick, William Bales. 2017. “Sentencing in light of collateral consequences: Does age matter?” Journal of Criminal Justice 53:1-11.

Peter Lehmann, Ted Chiricos and William Bales. 2017. “Sentencing transferred juveniles in the adult criminal court: The direct and interactive effects of race and ethnicity.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 15:172-190.

Elizabeth Stupi, Ted Chiricos and Marc Gertz. 2016. “Perceived criminal threat from undocumented immigrants: Antecedents and consequences for policy preferences” Justice Quarterly 33:239-266.

Selected Publications

Ted Chiricos, Elizabeth Stupi, Brian Stults and Marc Gertz. 2014. "Undocumented immigrant threat and support for social controls." Social Problems 61:673-693. 

Cyndy Caravelis Hughes, Ted Chiricos and William Bales. 2013. "Race, ethnicity, threat and the designation of Career Offenders." Justice Quarterly 30:866-894. 

Justin Pickett and Ted Chiricos. 2012. "Controlling other people’s children: Racialized views of delinquency and white’s punitive attitudes toward offenders." Criminology 50:673-710. 

Patricia Warren, Ted Chiricos and William Bales. 2012. "The imprisonment penalty for young Black and Hispanic males." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 49:56-80.

Michael Costelloe, Ted Chiricos and Marc Gertz. 2009. "Punitive attitudes toward criminals: Exploring the relevance of crime salience and economic insecurity." Punishment and Society 11:25-49.

Ted Chiricos, Kelle Barrick, William Bales and Stephanie Bontrager. 2007. "The labeling of convicted felons and its consequences for recidivism." Criminology 45:547-581.


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Office Hours

Tuesday 12:30p-1:45p
Wednesday 4p-5p
Thursday 12:30p-1:45p
By appointment

Resume / CV