Brendan Lantz received his Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University. His research interests focus on hate crime, violence, victimization, and co-offending. His research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and Bureau of Justice Statistics, among others. His recent publications have appeared in a number of different outlets, including Social Problems, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, British Journal of Criminology, Justice Quarterly, and Law and Human Behavior, among others.
Hate and Bias Crime | Group Crime and Co-Offending | Violence | Victimization
Ph.D. 2017, The Pennsylvania State University; Criminology
M.A. 2013, The Pennsylvania State University; Crime, Law, & Justice
B.A. 2011, SUNY University at Albany; Criminal Justice
“The Individual, Situational, and Contextual Risk Factors for Violent Firearm Injury and Firearm Homicide: A Comparative, Policy-Focused Approach” National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), ($490,436), 2021-2024
"The Consequences and Impacts of Hate Crime and Post-Victimization Experiences: The Longitudinal Hate Crime Victimization Survey" FSU Council on Research and Creativity ($85,687), 2023-2024.
"Hate Crime Victimization and Reporting: Unraveling the Contextual Effects Using Data from the National Crime Victimization Survey" National Science Foundation ($236,985), 2021-2023
"Gender-Bias Motivated Fatal Shootings of Women in Florida, 2009-2019” Maura's Voice Research Foundation ($49,101), 2020.
"The Situational and Contextual Correlates of Non-Lethal and Lethal Firearm Violence: A Comparative Approach" FSU Council on Research and Creativity ($11,420), 2020-2021.
"Considering the Collateral Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining the Impact of the Pandemic on Prejudice, Hate Crime, and Victimization" FSU Office of Research Development ($13,125), 2020.
"The Relationship Between Victim Characteristics and Severity of Victimization: An Analysis of Within-Incident Differences in Victim Injury" FSU Council on Research and Creativity, First Year Assistant Professor Program ($20,000), 2018.
"Offending, Co-Offending, Crime, and the Law Enforcement Response: An Analysis of Individuals and Groups in the NIBRS Data, 2002-2012." U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Graduate Research Fellowship Program for Criminal Justice Statistics ($150,000), 2016-2018.
Lantz, Brendan, Zachary T. Malcom, & Marin R. Wenger. 2023. The Consequences of Hate Crime Victimization: Considering Prejudicial Attitudes as an Outcome of Interracial Bias-Motivated Conflict. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Lantz, Brendan, Marin R. Wenger, & Chloe J. Craig. 2023. What if They Were White? The Differential Arrest Consequences of Victim Characteristics for Black and White Co-offenders. Social Problems, 70(2), 297-320.
Lantz, Brendan & Cole Ward. 2023. Disproportionately Punished, Yet Still Neglected: Variation in Official Responses to American Indian/Alaskan Native Offending and Victimization. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 60(1), 79-111.
Lantz, Brendan, Marin R. Wenger, & Zachary T. Malcom. 2022. Severity Matters: The Moderating Effect of Offense Severity in Predicting Racial Differences in Reporting of Bias and Non-Bias Victimization to the Police. Law and Human Behavior, 46(1), 15-29.
Lantz, Brendan, Marin R. Wenger, & Zachary T. Malcom. 2022. Historical Markers or Markers of White Supremacy? Confederate Memorials and Hate Crimes. Social Problems.
Lantz, Brendan, Andrew S. Gladfelter, & R. Barry Ruback. 2019. Stereotypical Hate Crimes and Criminal Justice Processing: A Multi-Dataset Comparison of Bias Crime Arrest Patterns by Offender and Victim Race. Justice Quarterly, 36(3), 193-224.
Lantz, Brendan & Joonggon Kim. 2019. Hate Crimes Hurt More, but so do Co-offenders: Separating the Influence of Co-offending and Bias on Hate Motivated Injury. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(3), 437-456.
Lantz, Brendan & Marin R. Wenger. 2022. Are Asian Victims Less Likely to Report Hate Crime Victimization to the Police? Implications for Research and Policy in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Crime and Delinquency, 68(8), 1292-1319.
Lantz, Brendan. 2021. The Consequences of Crime in Company: Co-offending, Victim-Offender Relationship, and Quality of Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, 4363-4388.
Myers, Wesley & Brendan Lantz. 2020. Reporting Racist Hate Crime Victimization in the United States and the United Kingdom: A Cross-National Comparison. British Journal of Criminology, 60(4), 1034-1055.