Dr. Waldo’s experience covers a wide range of activities related to academic criminology and the criminal justice system. This includes almost 50 years of University teaching, administration, and research, in addition to three years of practical experience working in the juvenile and criminal justice field before graduate school. He has taught a wide range of graduate and undergraduate courses on capital punishment. He has been a major professor for more than 50 graduate students working on their degrees.
He has written more than 200 articles, books, professional papers, and grant reports, and received 50 contracts or grants totaling more than $15 million. He has conducted numerous research projects concerned with many factors related to crime, juvenile justice, and the criminal justice system. He has served on the editorial boards of several journals and is frequently called upon as a consultant and expert witness on criminal justice issues.
Dr. Waldo’s administrative experience includes serving as Dean of the School of Criminology at Florida State University (FSU), Director of the Criminology Program at FSU, Director of the Graduate Program in Criminology at FSU, Director of the FSU Southeastern Correctional and Criminological Research Center, and Program Manager of the FSU Juvenile Justice Educational Enhancement Program. He has served on or chaired several state and national task forces in the criminal justice area.
Capital Punishment | Convicting the Innocent | Law and Social Control | Corrections | Juvenile Delinquency
Ph.D. 1967, Ohio State University; Sociology
M.A. 1965, Ohio State University; Sociology
B.A. 1960, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Psychology
Principal Investigator, "Evaluation Study of Work Release Programs in North Carolina," funded by the North Carolina Law and order committee. September, 1970 - August, 1972. (Amount: $111,289).
Co-Principal Investigator (with Thomas Blomberg) "The Juvenile Justice Educational Enhancement Program," funded by the Florida Department of Education. April 15, 1998-December 31, 2007. (Amount: $14,288,834).
Research Director of the Florida Phase of a MultiState Project "The Sentencing Decisions of Capital Jurors," (with William Bowers, Ronald Dillehay, William Geimer, Joseph Hoffman, John Lambert, James Marquart, Ray Paternoster, and Marla Sandys), funded by the National Science Foundation. November, 1990 - October, 1992. (Amount: $137,692).
Principal Investigator - " National Task Force on the Relationship Between Drugs and Violence," funded by the United States Sentencing Commission. July 1, 1993 - December 30, 1995. (Amount $456,000).
Van Slyke, Shanna, William D. Bales and Gordon P. Waldo. 2007. “Hit ‘Em Where it Hurts: Monetary and Nontraditional Punitive Sanctions” International Handbook of Penology and Criminal Justice.
Thomas G. Blomberg, Janine Blomberg, Gordon P. Waldo, George Pesta, Jon Bellows. 2006. “National Collaboration on No Child Left Behind in Juvenile Justice Education” Corrections Today.
Ray Paternoster and Gordon P. Waldo. 2003. “Tinkering with the Machinery of Death: Failure of a Social Experiment” Punishment and Social Control, Enlarged Second Edition.
Thomas G. Blomberg, Gordon P. Waldo, Deborah Chester. 2002.“Assessment of the Program Implementation of Comprehensive Victim Services in a One-Stop Location” International Review of Victimology.
Thomas G. Blomberg, Gordon P. Waldo. 2002. “Implementing an Evaluation Research and Accountability Driven System for Juvenile Justice Education in Florida” Evaluation Review.
"Personality Attributes of the Criminal: An Analysis of Research Studies, 1950-1965," (with Simon Dinitz), Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 4, No. 2, July, 1967, pp. 185-202.
"Perceived Penal Sanction and Self-Reported Criminality: A Neglected Approach to Deterrence Research," (with Theodore Chiricos), Social Problems, Vol. 19, No. 4, Spring, 1972, pp. 522-540.
"Socioeconomic Status and Criminal Sentencing: An Empirical Assessment of a Conflict Proposition," (with Theodore Chiricos), American Sociological Review, Vol. 40, No. 6, December, 1975, pp. 753-772.
"Tinkering With the Machinery of Death: Failure of a Social Experiment," (with Ray Paternoster), Punishment and Social Control(enlarged second edition), edited by Thomas Blomberg and Stanley Cohen), New York, Aldine De Gruyter, 2003, pp. 311-352.
"Hit 'Em Where It Hurts: Monetary and Nontraditional Punitive Sanctions," (with Shanna Van Slyke and William Bales), International Handbook of Penology and Criminal Justice, edited by Shlomo Giora Shoham, Ori Beck, and Martin Kett, New York, CRC Press, Taylor Francis Group, 2008, pp. 99-160.