Jennifer Copp received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Bowling Green State University. Her research focuses broadly on the social influences on crime and other problem behaviors, in addition to the marginalizing effects of criminal justice involvement. Current projects, which have received funding from the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the MacArthur Foundation, among others, examine desistance from crime, child well-being in the context of parental incarceration, and pretrial justice. Most recently, she co-edited the Handbook on Pretrial Justice, which explores the complexities of pretrial decisions and practices from pretrial diversion to pretrial detention/release.
Pretrial Justice | Social Influences on Crime (and other Problem Behaviors) | Social Inequality | Intimate Partner Violence | Adolescence and Young Adulthood | Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
Ph.D. 2014, Bowling Green State University; Sociology
M.A. 2012, Bowling Green State University; Sociology
M.A. 2009, The University of Cadiz; Gender Studies
B.A. 2007, The Ohio State University; International Relations and Spanish
Advising and Evaluation of the Walton County Jail and Reentry Program. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Walton County Sheriff’s Office ($386,816), 2021-2024.
Pretrial Detention, Public Safety, and Court Efficiency: Exploring the Consequences of Measures Enacted to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 in Palm Beach County Jails. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission ($30,000), MacArthur Foundation Safety and Justice Challenge, 2021.
FSU Young Parents Project: A Program Evaluation. Role: Principal Investigator. FSU Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy ($17,751), 2020.
Predicting Reoffending and Informing Treatment for Florida Residential Youth.” Role: Co-Investigator. Florida Department of Juvenile Justice ($53,781), 2020.
Mechanisms Underlying Desistance from Crime: Individual and Social Pathways.” Role: Co-Investigator. U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice ($797,079), 2020-2022.
Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Department Project Second Chance for Incarcerated Parents with Minor Children. Role: Principal Investigator of subcontract to Florida State University ($112,455). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ($689,315), 2019-2021.
Review of the State of Jail Research in America. Role: Principal Investigator. Pew Charitable Trusts ($55,998), 2019.
Assessment of the FDC’s Pilot Program for the Spectrum Risk Assessment. Role: Principal Investigator. Florida Department of Corrections ($15,000), 2018.
A Validation of the Palm Beach County Jail Risk Assessment Instrument for the Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission.” Role: Co-Investigator of subcontract to Florida State University ($205,878). Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission, funded by MacArthur Foundation Safety and Justice Challenge Grant ($2,424,400), 2018-2020.
Relationship Dynamics in the National Survey of Teen Relationships and Intimate Violence. Role: Co-Investigator. U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice ($998,574), 2018-2020.
Improving the Validity of Risk Assessment in the Florida Juvenile Justice System. Role: Co-Investigator. Florida Department of Juvenile Justice ($207,817), 2017-2018.
The Effects of Parental Incarceration on Child Well-Being: Identifying Sources of Variability. Role: Principal Investigator. Florida State University’s Council on Research and Creativity, Planning Grant ($13,000), 2016-2017.
Parental Incarceration and Child Well-Being: An Examination of Mediating Mechanisms and Conditional Effects. Role: Principal Investigator. Florida State University’s Council on Research and Creativity, First Year Assistant Professor Program ($20,000), 2016.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) – Longitudinal Data on Teen Dating Violence: Postdoctoral Fellowship ($199,139). Bowling Green State University, Department of Sociology (Faculty Sponsor: Peggy C. Giordano), 2014-2015.
Giordano, Peggy, Jennifer E. Copp, Wendy D. Manning, & Monica A. Longmore. (2021). “Relationship Dynamics Associated with Dating Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Feminist Post-Structural Analysis.” Feminist Criminology.
Casey, William, Jennifer E. Copp, & William D. Bales. (2021). “Releases from a Local Jail: The Impact of Visitation on Recidivism.” Criminal Justice Policy Review, 32(4), 427-441.
Aizpurua, Eva, Jennifer E. Copp, Jorge J. Ricarte, and David Vazquez. (2021). “Controlling Behaviors and Intimate Partner Violence among Women in Spain: An Examination of Individual, Partner, and Relationship Risk Factors for Severe Physical and Psychological Abuse.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(1-2), 231-254.
Johnson, Elizabeth, Jennifer E. Copp, Anneliese Bolland, & John Bolland. (2020). “Substance Use Profiles among Urban Adolescents: The Role of Family-Based Adversities.” Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 2104-2106.
Copp, Jennifer E., Peggy C. Giordano, Monica A. Longmore, & Wendy D. Manning. (2020). “Desistance from Crime during the Transition to Adulthood: The Influence of Parents, Peers, and Shifts in Identity.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 57(3), 294-332.
Soller, Brian, Jennifer E. Copp, Dana L. Haynie, & Alena Kuhlemeier. (2020). “Adolescent Dating Violence Victimization and Relationship Dissolution.” Youth & Society, 52(2), 187-208.
Giordano, Peggy C., Jennifer E. Copp, Wendy D. Manning, & Monica A. Longmore. (2020). “When Worlds Collide: Linking Involvement with Friends and Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adulthood.” Social Forces, 98(3), 1196-1222.
Copp, Jennifer E., Bruce G. Taylor, & Elizabeth A. Mumford. (2020). “Financial Behaviors, Couple-Level Conflict, and Adolescent Relationship Abuse: Longitudinal Results from a Nationally Representative Sample.” Journal of Research on Adolescence, 30(S1), 255-269.
Meldrum, Ryan, Brae Campion Young, Sadhika Soor, Carter Hay, Jennifer Copp, Madison Trace, Joanne P. Smith-Darden, & Poco D. Kernsmith. (2020). “Are Adverse Experiences Associated with Deficits in Self-Control? A Test among Two Independent Samples of Youth.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47(2), 166-186.