Patricia Warren Hightower received her Ph.D. in Sociology from North Carolina State University. Her research focuses on social control and punishment, racial and gender stratification, racial profiling, collateral consequences of incarceration and the school to prison pipeline.
Research focuses on social control and punishment, racial and gender stratification, racial profiling, collateral consequences of incarceration and the school to prison pipeline.
Ph.D. North Carolina State University; Sociology
M.S. North Carolina Central University; Criminal Justice
B.A. North Carolina Central University; Criminal Justice
Disproportionate Minority Contact. Co-PI with Dr. Eric Stewart. Funded by Florida Department of Juvenile Justice ($100,000), January 2016-January, 2017
Responsible Conduct of Research and Creativity & Professional Standards Faculty Award, Co-PI with Dr. Sonja Siennick, Summer 2012 ($10,000)
Florida State University, Committee on Faculty Research Support, Summer, 2011
Books/Edited Volume
Devon, Johnson, Patricia Y. Warren and Amy Farrell. (2015). Deadly Injustice: Trayvon Martin, Race and the Criminal Justice System. New York: New York University Press.
Book Chapters
Farrell, Amy, Patricia Y. Warren and Shea Cronin. (2019). Critical Race Theory and the Limits of Liberal Legal Remedies to Address Racial Disparities in Police Violence. In Criminology and Public Policy. Scott Decker and Kevin Wright. Temple University Press.
Farrell, A., Warren, P. Y., & Cronin, S. (2018). Critical Race Theory and the Limits of Liberal Legal Remedies to Address Racial Disparities in Police Violence. In Scott Decker, & Kevin Wright (Eds.), Criminology and Public Policy. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Farrell, Amy, Patricia Y. Warren, Devon Johnson, Jordyn L. Rosario and Daniel Givelber. Understanding Acquittals: Race and Judge Perceptions about the Accuracy of Not Guilty Verdicts (2015). In Trayvon Martin, Race and the Criminal Justice System. Co-edited with Devon Johnson and Amy Farrell. New York: New York University Press.
Refereed Articles
Ngo, Fawn N., Patricia Y. Warren, Emily Walker and Eric A. Stewart. (2023). The Association Between Adolescents' Perceived Negative Treatment By Teachers and Peers on Social Victimization. Crime and Delinquency. Published online first: https://doi.org/10.1177/00111287241248091.
Bailey, C., Warren, P. Y., & Stewart, E. A. (2023). Victim Injury and Its Consequences: Assessing the Effects of Macro-Social Contexts on Punishment Dispositions. Crime and Delinquency. OnlineFirst https://doi.org/10.1177/00111287231207375
Okafor, P., Warren, P. Y., & Stewart, E. A. (2022). Plea Bargaining and Trial Decisions in Context: An Examination of Disparities in Punishment. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 38(4), 432-455.
Steele, M., Sutton, T. E., Brown, A., Simons, L., & Warren, P. Y. (2021). A Test of General Strain Theory: Explaining Intimate Partner Violence and Alcohol Use among Black Women. Feminist Criminology, 17(2), 163-184.
Warren, P.Y. (2021). In the Room Where It Happens: Reflections on Being a Black Women in the Academy. Race and Justice, 11(3), 347-354.
Hughes, C., Bailey, C. M., Warren, P. Y., & Stewart, E. A. (2020). Value-in-Diversity: Threat, Teacher Integration, and School Punishment. Social Science Research, 92.
Stewart, E. A., Warren, P. Y., Hughes, C., & Brunson, R. K. (2020). Race, Ethnicity and Criminal Justice Contact: Reflections for Future Research. Race and Justice: An International Journal, 10(2), 119-149
Hughes, Cresean, Patricia Y. Warren, Eric A. Stewart, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Daniel P. Mears. (2018). Racial Threat, Intergroup Contact, and School Punishment. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 54(5): 583-616.