Research conducted by the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice on elder financial exploitation was recently featured on the personal finance website WalletHub. In a Dec. 6 article, “2017’s States with the Best Elder-Abuse Protections”, WalletHub featured Principle Investigator Thomas G. Blomberg on its panel of experts. Dr. Blomberg addressed questions regarding the most common types of elder abuse, how policymakers and family members can protect elders, and the issue of caretakers as financial beneficiaries.
The College of Criminology and Criminal Justice has lead the way in research on elder financial exploitation. In 2015, the College partnered with Merrill Lynch and Seniors vs. Crime to instigate research on this growing problem and develop need policies and practices that can effectively reduce instances of elder fraud.
To view “2017’s States with the Best Elder-Abuse Protections” and read Dr. Blomberg’s Q&A please visit WalletHub.