Gertz is most well known for successfully conducting thousands and thousands of surveys, which have been used by professors and doctoral students within and outside the college for high quality research and publications in some of the top journals in the field. One of his most notable surveys, collected along with Dr. Gary Kleck, polled a national sample about the defensive use of guns. The United States Supreme Court has now cited this research more than once.
Public Opinion and the Criminal Justice System | Organization Politics and the Courts | Comparative Courts | Interest Groups | Voting Behavior
Ph.D. 1976, The University of Connecticut, Storrs; Political Science
M.P.A. 1971, Baruch College, City University of New York
B.A. 1968, Bucknell University; Political Science
Pickett, Justin T., Christina Mancini, Daniel P. Mears, and Marc Gertz. 2015. “Public (Mis)Understanding of Crime Policy: The Effects of Criminal Justice Experience and Media Reliance” Criminal Justice Policy Review 26(5): 500-522.
Baker, Thomas, Christi Metcalfe, Tamar Berenblum, Gali Aviv, and Marc Gertz. 2015. “Examining Public Preferences for the Allocation of Resources to Rehabilitative Versus Punitive Crime Policies” Criminal Justice Policy Review 448-462 .
Pickett, Justin, Christina Mancini, Dan Mears, and Marc Gertz. 2015. “Public (Mis)Understanding of Crime Policy: The Effects of Criminal Justice Experience and Media Reliance” Criminal Justice Policy Review .
Baker, Thomas, Justin Pickett, J. Amin, K. Dhungana, Marc Gertz, and Laura Bedard. 2015. “Shared Race/Ethnicity, Court Procedural Justice, and Self-Regulating Beliefs: A Study of Female Offenders” Law & Society Review 433-466.
Leal, Wanda, Marc Gertz, and Alex Piquero. 2015. “The National Felon League?: A Comparison of NFL Arrests to General Population Arrests” Journal of Criminal Justice 397-403.
Tittle, Charles, Jason Bratton & Marc Gertz. 2003 “A Test of a Micro-Level Application of Shaming Theory.” Social Problems. 50:592-617.
Chiricos, Ted, Kathy Padgett & Marc Gertz. 2000 "Fear, T.V. News, and the Reality of Crime." Criminology. 38:755-785. 10. Reprinted in Toby Miller (Ed.). 2003. Television: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies. New York: Routledge.
Kleck, Gary & Marc Gertz. 1995 "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense With a Gun." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 86:150-187.
Gertz, Marc and Laura Myers. 1992. "Impediments to Cross-National Research: Problems of Reliability and Validity." International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 16:57-65.
Gertz, Marc. 1990. "The Dynamics of Plea Bargaining in Three Countries." Criminal Justice Review 14:48-63.