Kimberly M. Davidson received her Ph.D. in Criminology from The Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on corrections, programming and rehabilitation, community reentry, substance use.
Corrections | Programming and Rehabilitation | Community Reentry | Substance Use
Ph.D. 2021, The Pennsylvania State University; Criminology
M.A. 2017, The Pennsylvania State University; Criminology
B.M. 2008, The University of Kansas; Music Therapy (Major) and Psychology (Minor)
2020-2021 National Institute of Justice (Principle Investigator) Graduate Research Fellowship in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
“The Experiences of Men with Substance Use Disorders Exiting Prison at the Height of the Opioid Crisis”
Amount: $91,097
2019-2020 Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (Lead Recruiter & Graduate Research Assistant, PI: Kreager)
“Certified Recovery Specialist and Prison Reentry Pilot Study.”
Amount: $109,000.
2017-2020 National Institute of Justice (Graduate Research Assistant, PI: Kreager)
“Understanding Incarceration and Re-Entry Experiences of Female Inmates and their Children: The Women’s Prison Inmate Networks Study (WO-PINS).”
Amount: $685,857.
2016-2018 National Institutes of Health (Project Coordinator, PI: Kreager) R21, National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
“Network Mechanisms in a Prison-Based Therapeutic Community”
Amount: $441,630.
2015-2017 National Science Foundation (Graduate Research Assistant, PI: Kreager)
“Prison Inmate Network Study (PINS).”
Amount: $323,818
Said, Iman & Davidson, Kimberly M. 2021. “A Mixed Method Evaluation of the Role of Religion in Desistance and Reentry.” Justice Quarterly. Online First.
Galvin, Miranda A., Davidson, Kimberly M., and Matthew Kleiman. 2021. “Substance Involvement and Probation Outcomes: Evidence from a Cohort Study.” Journal of Drug Issues. Online First.
Kreager, Derek A., Jacob T. N. Young, Dana L. Haynie, David R. Schaefer, Martin Bouchard, & Kimberly M. Davidson. 2021. “In the Eye of the Beholder: Meaning and Structure of Informal Status in Women’s and Men’s Prisons.” Criminology 59(1): 42-72.
Davidson, Kimberly M. 2020. “Testing an Interactionist Theory of Treatment Engagement in a Pennsylvania Prison-Based Therapeutic Community.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 47(10): 1282-1298.
Schaefer, David R., Kimberly M. Davidson, Dana L. Haynie, & Martin Bouchard. 2021. “Network Integration within a Prison-Based Therapeutic Community.” Social Networks 64: 16-28.
Davidson, Kimberly M., & Jacob T.N. Young. 2019. “Treatment Engagement in a Prison- Based Therapeutic Community: A Mixed-Methods Approach.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 103: 33-42.
Kreager, Derek A., David R. Schaefer, Kimberly M. Davidson, Gary Zajac, Dana L. Haynie, & George De Leon. 2019. “Evaluating Peer Influence Processes in a Prison-Based Therapeutic Community: A Dynamic Network Approach.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 203: 13-18.