A Two-State Examination of Varied Measurement Strategies for Juvenile Reoffending

Florida State University’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice is collaborating with the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice and the Oregon Youth Authority for a three-year study. The purpose of the study is to generate new knowledge on how different reoffending measurement strategies affect conclusions about the prevalence and predictors of juvenile reoffending, and to assist state juvenile justice agencies in developing, implementing, and evaluating a new juvenile reoffending measure. The collaborative effort will provide two diverse states with information about the extent to which demographic, risk and protective factors predict reoffending among the populations they serve, and the extent to which these factors differentially predict different measures of reoffending. Further, the findings of the study will produce generalizable knowledge that will help other agencies refine their own measurement and tracking and help agencies allocate resources to target youth at the greatest risk for reoffending.


Principal Investigator: Sonja E. Siennick, Ph.D.

Lead Analyst: Brian J. Stults, Ph.D.

Field Researcher: George B. Pesta, Ph.D.

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Justice

Award Amount: $512,718

Dates: 2021-2023