Beaver, Gibson, Turner, DeLisi, Vaughn, and Holand. 2009. "The Stability of Delinquent Peer Associations: A Biosocial Test of Warr's Sticky Friends Hypothesis."
Boutwell and Beaver. 2009. "The Intergenerational Transmission of Low Self-Control."
Kleck and Barnes. 2013. "Deterrence and macro-level perceptions of punishment risks: is there a "collective wisdom?" Crime and Delinquency 59(7): 1006-1035.
Kleck and Barnes. 2012. "Do More Police Generate More Crime Deterrence?" Crime and Delinquency (forthcoming c. May 2014).
Lucken and Bales. 2008. "Florida's Sexually Violent Predator Program: An Examination of Risk and Civil Commitment Eligibility"
Mears, Mancini, Beaver, and Gertz. 2012. "Housing for the 'Worst of the Worst' Inmates: Public Support for Supermax Prisons." Crime and Delinquency.
Mears, Shollenberger, Willison, Owens, and Butts. 2010. "Practitioner Views of Priorities, Policies, and Practices in Juvenile Justice." Crime and Delinquency.
Mears, Mancini, Beaver, and Gertz. 2012. "Housing for the 'Worst of the Worst' Inmates: Public Support for Supermax Prisons." Crime and Delinquency (forthcoming).
Wang, Mears, Spohn, and Dario. 2012. "Assessing the Differential Effects of Race and Ethnicity on Sentencing Outcomes under Different Sentencing Systems." Crime and Delinquency.
Warren. 2008. "Perceptions of Police Disrespect During Vehicle Stops: A Race-Based Analysis."
Barnes, Beaver, and Boutwell. 2011. "Examining the Genetic Underpinnings to Moffitt's Developmental Taxonomy: A Behavioral Genetic Analysis." Criminology.
Baumer and Lauritsen. 2010 "Reporting Crime to the Police, 1973 – 2005: A Multivariate Analysis of Long-Term Trends in the NCS and NCVS."
Baumer and Gustafson. 2007. "Social Organization and Instrumental Crime: Assessing the Empirical Validity of Classic and Contemporary Anomie Theories."
Beaver, 2008. "Nonshared Environmental Influences on Adolescent Delinquent Involvement and Adult Criminal Behavior."
Beaver, DeLisi, Vaughn, Wright, and Boutwell. 2008. "The Relationship between Self-Control and Language: Evidence of a Shared Etiological Pathway."
Chiricos, Barrick, Bales, and Bontrager. "The Labeling of Convicted Felons and Its Consequences for Recidivism."
Hay and Forrest. 2008. "Self-Control and The Concept of Opportunity: Making the Case for a More Systematic Union."
McGloin, Schreck, Stewart, and Ousey. 2011. "Predicting the Violent Offender: The Discriminant Validity of the Subculture of Violence." Criminology.
Pickett and Chiricos. 2012. "Controlling Other People's Children: Racialized Views of Delinquency and Whites' Punitive Attitudes toward Offenders." Criminology.
Pickett, Chiricos, Golden, and Gertz. 2012. "Reconsidering the Relationship between Perceived Neighborhood Racial Composition and Whites' Perceptions of Victimization Risk: Does Racial Typification of Crime Matter?" Criminology.
Mears and Bales. 2009. "Supermax Incarceration and Recidivism."
Mears, Hay, Gertz, and Mancini. 2007. "Public Opinion and the Foundation of the Juvenile Courts."
Mears, Wang, Hay, and Bales. Forthcoming. "Social Ecology and Recidivism: Implications for Prisoner Reentry."
Schreck, Stewart, and Osgood. Forthcoming. "A Reappraisal of the Victim/Offender Overlap."
Siennick, 2007. "The Timing and Mechanisms of the Offending-Depression Link."
Siennick, and Jeremy Staff. 2008. "Explaining the Educational Deficits of Delinquent Youths."
Siennick, 2011. "Tough Love? Crime and Parental Assistance in Young Adulthood." Criminology
Stewart, and Simons. 2010. "Race, Code of the Street, and Violent Delinquency: A Multilevel Investigation of Neighborhood Street Culture and Individual Norms of Violence."
Jongyeon Tark and Kleck. 2004. "Resisting crime: the effects of victim action on the outcomes of crimes."
Kleck, Sever, Li, and Gertz. 2005. "The missing link in general deterrence research."
Wang, Mears, and Bales. 2010. "Race-Specific Employment Contexts and Recidivism." Criminology
Warren, Tomaskovic-Devey, Smith, Zingraff, Mason. 2006. "Driving While Black: Bias Processes and Racial Disparity in Stops."
Criminology and Public Policy
Mears, Kuch, Lindsey, Siennick, Pesta, Greenwald and Blomberg. 2016. "Juvenile Court Contemporary Division: Helpful, Harmful, or Both?" Criminology and Public Policy 15(3):953-981.
Baumer. 2011. "Uncertainty about Reduced Severity, Concerns about Increased Certainty, and Alternative Paths to Lower Crime Rates and Imprisonment." Criminology and Public Policy.
Baumer, 2008. "Evaluating the Balance Sheet of Asset Forfeiture Laws: Toward Evidence-Based Policy Assessments."
Beaver. 2010. "The Promises and Pitfalls of Forensic Evidence in Unsolved Crimes." Criminology and Public Policy.
Gaes and Bales. 2011. "Deconstructing the Risk Principle: Addressing Some Remaining Questions." Reaction Essay in Criminology and Public Policy.
Mears. 2010. "The Role of Research and Researchers in Crime and Justice Policy." Criminology and Public Policy.
Mears and Mestre. 2012. "Prisoner Reentry, Employment, Signaling, and the Better Identification of Desisters: Introduction to the Special Issue." Criminology and Public Policy.
Mears, 2008. "Accountability, Efficiency, and Effectiveness in Corrections: Shining a Light on the Black Box of Prison Systems."
Mears, 2010. "The Role of Research and Researchers in Crime and Justice Policy." Criminology and Public Policy 9(4):799-805.
Stewart. 2011. "Crime, Local Institutions, and Structural Inequality: The Cost of Payday Lending Institutions." Criminology and Public Policy.
Stewart, 2007. "Either They Don't Know or They Don't Care: Black Males and Negative Police Experiences."
Warren, 2010. "Inequality by Design: The Connection between Race, Crime, Victimization and Social Policy."
Warren and Tomaskovic-Devey. 2009. "Racial Profiling and Searches: Did the Politics of Racial Profiling Change Officer Behavior?"
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
Nadel, Pesta, Blomberg, Bales, and Greenwald. 2018. "Civil citation: Diversion or net widening?" Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55(2):278-315.
Bales and Mears. 2008. "Inmate Social Ties and the Transition to Society: Does Visitation Reduce Recidivism?"
Boutwell and Beaver. 2009. "The Intergenerational Transmission of Low Self-Control."
Kleck and Kovandizic and Schaffer "Estimating the causal effect of gun prevalence on homicide rates: A local average treatment effect approach." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 28(4):477-541 (December 2013)."
Jackson and Hay. 2012. "The Conditional Impact of Official Labeling on Subsequent Delinquency: Considering the Attenuating Role of Family Attachment." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Mears, Mancini, and Stewart. 2009. "Whites' Concern about Crime: The Effects of Interracial Contact."
Mears, Pickett, Golden, Chiricos, and Gertz. 2012. "The Effect of Interracial Contact on Whites' Perceptions of Victimization Risk and Black Criminality." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Schreck, Burek, Stewart, and Miller. 2007. "Distress and Violent Victimization among Young Adolescents: A Test of the Social Interactionist Explanation and a Case Study of Early Puberty."
Siennick, Mears, and Bales. Forthcoming. "Here and Gone: Anticipation and Separation Effects of Prison Visits on Inmate Infractions." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Stewart, Baumer, Brunson, and Simons. 2009. "Neighborhood Racial Context and Perceptions of Racial Discrimination among Black Youth."
Wang and Mears. 2010. "Examining the Direct and Interactive Effects of Changes in Racial and Ethnic Threat on Sentencing Decisions." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Warren, Chiricos, and Bales. 2010. "(Forthcoming) The Imprisonment Penalty for Young Black and Hispanic Males: A Crime-Specific Analysis."
Warren, Chiricos and Bales 2012. "The Imprisonment Penalty for Young Black and Hispanic Males." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Justice Quarterly
Turanovic and Tasca. 2017. "Inmates' Experiences with Prison Visitation." Justice Quarterly 1-36.
Barnes, Lavin, Mancini, Boutwell, Beaver, and Diamond. 2012. "Marriage and Involvement in Crime: A Consideration of Reciprocal Effects in a Nationally Representative Sample." Justice Quarterly.
Beaver, DeLisi, Mears, and Stewart. 2009. "Low Self-Control and Contact with the Criminal Justice System in a Nationally Representative Sample of Males."
Gibson, Morris and Beaver. 2010. "Secondary Exposure to Violence during Childhood and Adolescence: Does Neighborhood Context Matter?"
Caravelis Hughes, Chiricos, and Bales. 2012. &ldqou;Race, Ethnicity, Threat and the Designation of Career Offenders." Justice Quarterly.
Mears, Cochran, Siennick, and Bales. 2012. "Prison Visitation and Recidivism." Justice Quarterly
Mears, Wang, and Bales. 2012. "Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats? Labor Market Changes and Their Effects on the Recidivism of Released Prisoners." Justice Quarterly (forthcoming).
Reisig , Bales, Hay, and Wang. 2007. "Racial Inequality and Reconviction among African-American Male Offenders."
Tittle, Broidy, and Gertz. 2008. "Strain, Crime, and Contingencies."
Wright, Beaver, DeLisi, and Vaughn. 2008. "Evidence of Negligible Parenting Influences on Self-Control, Delinquent Peers, and Delinquency in a Sample of Monozygotic Twins."