
FSU’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice is home to the nation’s number one criminology faculty in the world. Our team of experts is ranked number one in the nation for research productivity and are among the top 10 for grant acquisition, as demonstrated below. Many of our faculty are industry experts and offer extensive research on topics like gun control, biosocial criminology and social control, to name a few.

The list below contains nearly 1,000 peer-reviewed journal articles published by our faculty, many of which are co-authored with former and current graduate students. To the left is our one-of-a-kind filter box, which allows you to filter articles by topic and leverage our expertise for your personal interests and research endeavors. We hope you enjoy learning about criminology as much as we enjoy expanding the field of research.

Lastest Research

David Peterson, Charles Thomas, and Gordon P. Waldo. 1975. Corrections: Problems and Prospects (2nd Edition)
Richard Henschel, Gordon P. Waldo, and Robert Silverman. 1975. Perception in Criminology
Marvin Krohn, Gordon P. Waldo, Ted Chiricos. 1975. Self-Reported Delinquency: A Comparison of Structured Interviews and Self-Administered Checklists”. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology
Ted Chiricos, Gordon P. Waldo. 1975. Socioeconomic Status and Criminal Sentencing: An Empirical Assessment of a Conflict Proposition. American Sociological Review
Daniel Maier-Katkin. 1973. Juvenile Justice: Rhetoric and Reality. Children Liberation
Daniel Katkin, Bruce Bullington, Murray Levine. 1973. Above and Beyond the Best Interests of the Child: An Inquiry Into the Relationship Between Social Science and Social Action. Law & Society Review
Gordon P. Waldo, Ted Chiricos, Leonard E. Dobrin. 1973. Community Contact and Inmate Attitudes: An Experimental Assessment of Work Release. Criminology
Gordon P. Waldo, Ted Chiricos. 1972. Perceived Penal Sanction and Self-Reported Criminality. Social Problems
Ted Chiricos, Phillip D. Jackson, Gordon P. Waldo. 1972. Inequality in the Imposition of a Criminal Label. Social Problems
Gordon P. Waldo. 1971. Research and Training in Corrections: The Role of the University. Federal Probation
Daniel Maier-Katkin. 1971. Habitual Offender Laws: A Reconsideration. Buffalo Law Review
Daniel Maier-Katkin. 1971. Residence Requirements: The Unresolved Issues. Albany Law Review
Gordon P. Waldo. 1971. Myths, Misconceptions, and the Misuse of Statistics in Correctional Research. Crime & Delinquency
Daniel Maier-Katkin. 1970. Presentence Reports: Uses, Limitations, and Civil Liberties Issues. University of Minnesota Law Review
Ted Chiricos, Jim Fendrich. 1970. Status Inconsistency, Militancy and Black Identification Among Negro Veterans. Social Science Quarterly