Advancing knowledge and policy on hate crime offending and victimization through evidence-based research
The Hate Crime Research & Policy Institute is committed to advancing research on hate crime offending and bias victimization. The institute examines the ways that hate, bigotry, and extremism influence the victimization of people on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and other personal characteristics. This includes research related to spatial and community-level influences on hate crime, victim interactions with the criminal justice system, and the impact of public policy on hate crime offending. Hate crimes have increased significantly across the nation in recent years, and the mission of the institute is to (1) conduct research to advance knowledge on hate crime and (2) develop evidence-based recommendations for improving policies related to hate and bias crime.
- Consequences of Hate Crime Victimization: The Longitudinal Hate Crime Victimization Survey
- Bias and Hate Crime Victimization During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Hate Crimes in the UK after the Brexit Vote
- The Individual, Situational, and Contextual Risk Factors for Violent Firearm Injury and Firearm Homicide: A Comparative, Policy-Focused Approach
- Understanding Hate Crime Victimization and Reporting
- Webinar: Policing Hate Crimes: Expanding Definitions of the Violence of Hate
- Article: Police Powerless to Stop Antisemitic Kanye Messages Despite Fury
- Article: Jussie Smollett is guilty. Now let’s focus on the victims of real hate crimes.
- Article: Connection between hate crimes, anxiety for Asian American in the Tampa Bay area
- Article: Tampa Bay Asian Americans process national rise in hate and violence
- Article: Why hate crime data can’t capture the true scope of anti-Asian violence
- Article: Bolder Bigotry: Florida Muslim residents face uptick in hate crimes, harassment
- Article: Hate crimes continue to surge in Second District
- Article: National Institutes of Health Grant Awarded to Center Researchers
- Article: Hate crimes rare in Florida. But only because many police fail to report them accurately
- Article: Hot Yoga shooting isn't in the FBI annual hate crime count.
- Article: FSU researcher finds hate crimes committed by groups hurt the most
- Article: Lawmakers Look for Answers to Mass Violence
Lantz, Brendan, Marin R. Wenger, & Zachary T. Malcom. 2022. Historical Markers or Markers of White Supremacy? Confederate Memorials and Hate Crimes. Social Problems.
Wenger, Marin R., & Brendan Lantz. 2022. Hate Crime and Place: The Spatial and Temporal Concentration of Bias-Motivated Crime in Washington, DC. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(13-14), 10683-10708.
Lantz, Brendan. 2022. Women Who Commit Hate-Motivated Violence: Advancing a Gendered Understanding of Hate Crime. Social Science Research, 104, 1-12.
Lantz, Brendan, Maring R. Wenger, & Zachary T. Malcom. 2022. Severity Matters: The Moderating Effect of Offense Severity in Predicting Racial Differences in Reporting of Bias and Non-Bias Victimization to the Police. Law and Human Behavior, 46(1), 15-29.
Piatkowska, Sylwia J., & Brendan Lantz. (2021). Temporal Clustering of Hate Crimes in the Aftermath of the Brexit Vote and the Manchester Arena Attack: A Comparison of Scotland and England and Wales. British Journal of Criminology, 61, 648-669.
Lantz, Brendan, Andrew S. Gladfelter, & R. Barry Ruback. 2019 “Stereotypical Hate Crimes and Criminal Justice Processing: A Multi-Dataset Comparison of Bias Crime Arrest Patterns by Offender and Victim Race.” Justice Quarterly, 36(3): 193-224.
Lantz, Brendan & Joongon Kim. 2019 “Hate Crimes Hurt More, but so do Co-offenders: Separating the Influence of Co-offending and Bias on Hate Motivated Injury. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(3): 437-456.
Piatkowska, Sylwia J., Steven F. Messner, and Andreas Hövermann. 2019. “Racial outgroup marriages and hate crime rates: A cross-sectional analysis of the U.S. metropolitan areas.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
Piatkowska, Sylwia J., Steven F. Messner, and Tse-Chuan Yang. 2019. “Understanding the relationship between relative group size and hate crime rates: Linking methods with concepts.” Justice Quarterly. 36(6): pp. 1072-1095.
Myers, Wesley & Brendan Lantz. 2020. “Racist Hate Crime Victim Reporting in the United States and the United Kingdom: A Cross-National Comparison” British Journal of Criminology
DIRECTOR | Brendan Lantz, Ph.D.
CO-DIRECTORS | Marin R. Wenger, Ph.D. and Sylwia J. Piatkowska, Ph.D.
For more information on the Hate Crime Research & Policy Institute, contact Drs. Brendan Lantz, or George B. Pesta.