Distance Learning

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The online Bachelor’s degree program at FSU’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice has been ranked number two in the nation for Online Criminal Justice Programs for the 2014 Academic Year by BestColleges.com, a resource for students wishing to make an educated choice about pursuing higher education. The ranking is determined using information from student and faculty surveys, independent research, ranking systems, and the input of other credible and authoritative sources. This is the second year FSU Criminology has received this prestigious award.
Kevin Beaver
Eleven members of the Florida State community were recognized for their contributions to distance learning during the 2012-2013 Distance Learning Awards Ceremony Nov. 13. The event was held in conjunction with National Distance Learning Week. “At Florida State, we strive to create the same level of quality learning for our distance students that their on-campus counterparts enjoy,” said Susann Rudasill, director of the Office of Distance Learning.
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Beginning in the fall 2012 semester, out-of-state distance learning students can benefit from reduced tuition rates at Florida State University’s (FSU) nationally recognized College of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
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In fall 2010 the College will begin offering a distance learning undergraduate certificate in Criminology. The certificate program offers non-traditional students such as those currently working in the field of criminal justice, the flexibility to take coursework while balancing a busy schedule that can lead to completion of a bachelor’s degree. Successful completion of the Certificate will satisfy part of the requirements for the bachelor’s degree in criminology and criminal justice for those student interested in continuing beyond the Certificate Program.