
FSU’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice is home to the nation’s number one criminology faculty in the world. Our team of experts is ranked number one in the nation for research productivity and are among the top 10 for grant acquisition, as demonstrated below. Many of our faculty are industry experts and offer extensive research on topics like gun control, biosocial criminology and social control, to name a few.

The list below contains nearly 1,000 peer-reviewed journal articles published by our faculty, many of which are co-authored with former and current graduate students. To the left is our one-of-a-kind filter box, which allows you to filter articles by topic and leverage our expertise for your personal interests and research endeavors. We hope you enjoy learning about criminology as much as we enjoy expanding the field of research.

Lastest Research

J. Eagle Shutt, J. C. Barnes, Kevin M. Beaver, George E. Higgins, Richard Tewksbury. 2011. Does Biology Underlie the Oldest Profession? Prostitution and Sex Disparities in John Behavior. Biodemography and Social Biology
Joseph A. Schwartz, Kevin M. Beaver. 2011. Evidence of a Gene X Environment Interaction Between Perceived Prejudice and MAOA Genotype in the Prediction of Criminal Arrests. Journal of Criminal Justice
Joseph A. Schwartz, Kevin M. Beaver. 2011. Article Productivity Among the Faculty of Criminology and Criminal Justice Doctoral Programs, 2005-2009. Journal of Criminal Justice
Joseph L. Nedelec, Kevin M. Beaver. 2011. Beauty is in the Sex of the Beholder: An Examination of the Effects of Interviewer Characteristics on Assessments of Respondent Attractiveness. Personality and Individual Differences
Walter Forrest, Carter Hay. 2011. Life-Course Transitions, Self-Control and Desistance from Crime. Criminology and Criminal Justice
Matt DeLisi, John Paul Wright, Kevin Beaver & Michael G. Vaughn. 2011. Teaching Biosocial Criminology I: Understanding Endophenotypes Using Gottfredson and Hirschi's Self-Control Construct. Journal of Criminal Justice Education
Matt DeLisi, Kevin M. Beaver, Kevin A. Wright, John Paul Wright, Michael G. Vaughn, Chad R. Trulson. 2011. Criminal Specialization Revisited: A Simultaneous Quantile Regression Approach. American Journal of Criminal Justice
Alex R. Piquero, Nicole Leeper Piquero, Marc Gertz, Thomas Baker, Jason Batton, and J. C. Barnes. 2011. Race, Punishment, and the Michael Vick Experience. Social Science Quarterly
Ashley T. Rubin. 2011. Punitive Penal Preferences and Support for Welfare: Applying the 'Governance of Social Marginality' Thesis to the Individual Level. Punishment & Society
Kevin M. Beaver and Nicholas Chaviano. 2011. The Association Between Genetic Risk and Contact with the Criminal Justice System in a Sample of Hispanics. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
J.C. Barnes, Kevin M. Beaver, Joshua S. May, Joseph A. Schwartz. 2011. Psychopathic Personality Traits, Genetic Risk, and Gene-Environment Correlations. Criminal Justice and Behavior
Kevin M. Beaver. 2011. The Effects of Genetics, the Environment, and Low Self-Control on Perceptions of Maternal and Paternal Socialization: Results from a Longitudinal Sample of Twins. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Kevin M. Beaver. 2011. Genetic Influences on Being Processed Through the Criminal Justice System: Results From a Sample of Adoptees. Biological Psychiatry
J.C. Barnes, Kevin M. Beaver, Alex R. Piquero. 2011. If You Don't Drink and You Don't Smoke, What do You do? A Test of Moffitt's Hypothesis of Delinquency Abstention. Criminal Justice and Behavior
Daniel P. Mears. 2010. American Criminal Justice Policy: An Evaluation Approach to Increasing Accountability and Effectiveness