
FSU’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice is home to the nation’s number one criminology faculty in the world. Our team of experts is ranked number one in the nation for research productivity and are among the top 10 for grant acquisition, as demonstrated below. Many of our faculty are industry experts and offer extensive research on topics like gun control, biosocial criminology and social control, to name a few.

The list below contains nearly 1,000 peer-reviewed journal articles published by our faculty, many of which are co-authored with former and current graduate students. To the left is our one-of-a-kind filter box, which allows you to filter articles by topic and leverage our expertise for your personal interests and research endeavors. We hope you enjoy learning about criminology as much as we enjoy expanding the field of research.

Lastest Research

Thomas G. Blomberg. 2009. Crime Control Policy. Oxford Bibliographies Online in Criminology
Thomas G. Blomberg. 2009. Advancing Criminology in Policy and Practice. Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy: Policy Proposals from the American Society of Criminology Conference
Wright, John Paul and Kevin M. Beaver. 2009. A Systematic Approach to Understanding Human Variability in Serious, Persistent Offending. The Development of Persistent Criminality
Walsh, Anthony and Kevin M. Beaver. 2009. Introduction to Biosocial Criminology. Biosocial Criminology: New Directions in Theory and Research
Kevin M. Beaver, J.C. Barnes, Brian B. Boutwell, and Jonathon A. Cooper. 2009. The Biosocial Foundations to Antisocial Behavior. Delinquency: Causes, Reduction, and Prevention
Kevin M. Beaver. 2009. Molecular Genetics and Crime. Biosocial Criminology: New Directions in Theory and Research
Daniel Maier-Katkin, Daniel P. Mears, Thomas J. Bernard. 2009. Towards a Criminology of Crimes Against Humanity. Theoretical Criminology
Eric A. Stewart, Eric P. Baumer, Rod K. Brunson, Ronald L. Simons. 2009. Neighborhood Racial Context and Perceptions of Racial Discrimination Among Black Youth. Criminology
Gary Kleck, Marc Gertz, Jason Bratton. 2009. Why do People Support Gun Control? Alternative Explanations of Support for Handgun Bans. Journal of Criminal Justice
Gary Kleck, Tomislav Kovandzic. 2009. City-Level Characteristics and Individual Handgun Ownership: Effects of Collective Security and Homicide. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
Gary Kleck. 2009. The Worst Possible Case for Gun Control: Mass Shootings in Schools. American Behavioral Scientist
Eric A. Stewart, Ronald L. Simons. 2009. The Code of the Street and African-American Adolescent Violence. NIJ Research in Brief
Nathan W. Pino, Rod K. Brunson, Eric A. Stewart. 2009. Using Movies to Illustrate Ethical Dilemmas in Undergraduate Criminal Justice Classes. Journal of Criminal Justice Education
Jamie Vaske, Matthew Makarios, Danielle Boisvert, Kevin M. Beaver, John Paul Wright. 2009. The Interaction of DRD2 and Violent Victimization on Depression: An Analysis by Gender and Race. Journal of Affective Disorders
Jamie Vaske, Kevin M. Beaver, John Paul Wright, Danielle Boisvert, Rebecca Schnupp. 2009. An Interaction Between DAT1 and Having an Alcoholic Father Predicts Serious Alcohol Problems in a Sample of Males. Drug and Alcohol Dependence