
FSU’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice is home to the nation’s number one criminology faculty in the world. Our team of experts is ranked number one in the nation for research productivity and are among the top 10 for grant acquisition, as demonstrated below. Many of our faculty are industry experts and offer extensive research on topics like gun control, biosocial criminology and social control, to name a few.

The list below contains nearly 1,000 peer-reviewed journal articles published by our faculty, many of which are co-authored with former and current graduate students. To the left is our one-of-a-kind filter box, which allows you to filter articles by topic and leverage our expertise for your personal interests and research endeavors. We hope you enjoy learning about criminology as much as we enjoy expanding the field of research.

Lastest Research

William G. Doerner and Steven P. Lab. 2005. Victimology (4th Edition)
Karen F. Parker, Brian J. Stults, Stephen K. Rice. 2005. Racial Threat, Concentrated Disadvantage and Black Arrests in 2000: Exploring the Direct and Indirect Linkages. Criminology
Scott J. South, Amy Lutz, Eric P. Baumer. 2005. Mobility Effects During Adolescence. Sociological Studies of Youth and Children
Richard Rosenfeld, Rob Fornango, Eric P. Baumer. 2005. Evaluating the Impact of Law Enforcement Interventions on Homicide Rates. Criminology & Public Policy
Xia Wang, Thomas G. Blomberg, Spencer D. Li. 2005. Comparison of the Educational Deficiencies of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Students. Evaluation Review
Kristy Holtfreter, Shanna Van Slyke, Thomas G. Blomberg. 2005. Sociolegal Change in Consumer Fraud: From Victim-Offender Interactions to Global Networks. Kristy Holtfreter, Shanna Van Slyke, Thomas G. Blomberg
Daniel P. Mears, Christy A. Visher. 2005. Trends in Understanding and Addressing Domestic Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Daniel P. Mears. 2005. A Critical Look at Supermax Prisons. Corrections Compendium
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Melvin Thomas, Kecia Johnson. 2005. Race and the Accumulation of Human Capital Across the Career: A Theoretical Model and Fixed Effects Application. American Journal of Sociology
Michael J. Hogan, Ted Chiricos, Marc Gertz. 2005. Economic Insecurity, Blame and Punitive Attitudes. Justice Quarterly
William D. Bales, Laura E. Bedard, Susan T. Quinn, David T. Ensley, Glen P. Holley. 2005. Recidivism of Public and Private State Prison Inmates in Florida. Criminology & Public Policy
Gary Kleck, Brion Sever, Spencer Li, Marc Gertz. 2005. The Missing Link in General Deterrence Research. Criminology
Michael O. Maume, Graham C. Ousey, Kevin M. Beaver. 2005. Cutting the Grass: A Reexamination of the Link Between Marital Attachment, Delinquent Peers, and Desistance from Marijuana Use. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Kevin M. Beaver, John Paul Wright. 2005. Evaluating the Effects of Birth Complications on Low Self-Control in a Sample of Twins. Internal Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
Kevin M. Beaver and John Paul Wright. 2005. Do Parents Matter in Creating Self-Control in Their Children? A Genetically Informed Test of Gottfredson and Hirschi's Theory of Low Self-Control. Criminology