
prison communications
Sun Sentinal: Florida Supreme Court to examine claim from Palm Beach County case
Tagged: Faculty, Research
Gary Kleck
Florida State University Criminologist Gary Kleck Discusses his Research on Gun Control.  
Tagged: Faculty, Research
Carter Hay
Meghan Speakes Collins Extensive data collected by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) can help predict which youths are most likely to commit additional crimes following release from a residential placement. Also, youths often experience improvements in behavior during their residential stay, and those with the greatest improvements are less likely to commit new crimes.
Tagged: Faculty, Research
prison communications
A new study by criminologists Sonja Siennick and Eric Stewart of Florida State University and Jeremy Staff of Penn State takes a hard look at the effects of incarceration on marriage. Here’s what we already know from other research, what this study says, and the questions that remain unanswered.
Tagged: Faculty, Research
Eppes hall
College of Criminology and Criminal Justice ranked #1 among all criminology and criminal justice program faculties for faculty research.  A recent article in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education by Professor Gary Kleck and recent College Ph.D. graduate, J.C. Barnes, shows that the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University has the most productive faculty in the United States.
fsu seal
Florida State University’s Center for Criminology and Public Policy Research, a branch of the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, has formed a partnership with the National Institute of Justice. Through this collaboration, three research agendas will be pursued to generate scientifically valid findings to be used by practitioners, agency decision makers, and policymakers to produce effective juvenile justice outcomes resulting in future cost savings and improvements to public safety.
Tagged: Awards, Research
fsu seal
FSU College Highlights and Selected National Rankings (As of December 2013) MOST EFFICIENT HIGH-QUALITY UNIVERSITY IN THE NATION U.S. News & World Report has named Florida State University the most efficient high quality university in the country for the second year in a row (2013, 2014). The university’s value ranking rose from 42nd among public universities to 40th, evidence that Florida State combines an outstanding education with economic value.
Brian Stults
Racial segregation in America is lasting longer than anyone expected. The average black person lives in a neighborhood that is 45 percent black, even though blacks represent only 13 percent of the population, according to professors John Logan and Brian Stults at Brown and Florida State University. Logan and Stults analyzed 2010 Census data with a dissimilarity index, which determines the percentage of one group that would have to move to a different neighborhood to eliminate segregation, to explore racial segregation. A score above 60 shows very high segregation.
Tagged: Faculty, Research
fsu seal
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — At 37 years old, Gemma Burlakoff became one of three women to die at the hands of their spouse or partner in Palm Beach County in October, a month dedicated to domestic violence awareness. Nicole Bishop is the director of victim’s services in Palm Beach County. She said calls for crimes related to domestic violence are on the rise. “It’s heartbreaking and we just want it to stop,” she said. Bishop said between 2009 and 2011 there were 40 domestic violence homicides.
Bill Doerner
The editorial board of Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management has selected a research project conducted by an FSU father-son team as one of the most impressive scholarly studies it published during 2012. The article, written by William M. Doerner and William G. Doerner, examines the impact of professional accreditation on clearance rates in Florida police agencies over the 1997‒2006 period.