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Congratulations to Corey Casey for being named the 2008 Relgalf Scholar. This prestigious honor brings with it full tuition and living expenses for his undergraduate career with a major in criminology and criminal justice. The son of two police officers Casey grew up in West Melbourne, Florida, with the hope of becoming a third-generation police officer. He graduated from West Shore with a Diploma of Distinction and comes to FSU with a passion for criminology and law enforcement.
Tagged: Awards, Students
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New scholarships prepare law enforcement officers for service in small departments.
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Bill Bales
For more than 20 years, the state of Florida has used radio frequency and global positioning systems as electronic monitoring devices to supervise felony offenders in the community as a method of diverting offenders from the significantly more costly alternative of imprisonment. In the wake of recent federal and state legislation, electronic monitoring will increasingly be used across the country on moderate-to high-risk offenders.
Tagged: Awards, Faculty
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Associate Professor Dan Mears has been awarded tenure and Carter Hay has been promoted to associate professor with tenure in the FSU College of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Mears joined the faculty in 2005 from the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center. He received his Ph.D from the University of Texas. Mears’ main research interests are crime and delinquency theory, juvenile and criminal justice, and crime policy.
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Undergraduate criminology student Mary Delina Wright has been awarded a 2006 University Honors Thesis Grant. The grant will support her research leading to an honors thesis, specifically focusing on the public controversy that arose about the book Eichmann in Jerusalem: a Report on the Banality of Evil and its author, Hannah Arendt.
Tagged: Awards, Students
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Professor Vanessa Barker, Ph.D., has received a one-year fellowship from the Princeton University Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA). Each year, LAPA brings to Princeton five or six world-class experts on the law. Drawn from law schools, the social sciences, the humanities, and from the world of policy-making and legal practice, the fellows are in full-time residence at Princeton for an entire academic year. During her fellowship, Barker will teach a graduate seminar on punishment and society and conduct research for a new book on comparative penal sanctions in Europe.
Tagged: Awards, Faculty
Ted Chiricos
The University has named Professor Ted Chiricos, Ph.D., the William Julius Wilson Professor of Criminology in recognition of his excellence in research, teaching, and service. Chiricos’s studies on the fear of crime have been recognized as the most influential in the field, and his research on deterrence changed the way criminologists approached this major and controversial subject matter.
Tagged: Awards, Faculty