
eppes hall
The College of Criminology & Criminal Justice at Florida State University has officially moved into Historic Eppes Hall. Constructed in 1918, Eppes Hall was originally known as the Education Building and was the first building on campus devoted entirely to classroom use at the Florida State College for Women. As the College evolved into a major research university, and as academic units outgrew Eppes Hall, the building became home to a number of small programs looking for office and classroom space of their own.
Eric Baumer
Dr. Eric Baumer, Professor at Florida State University’s College of Criminology & Criminal Justice, has been elected as Vice President of the American Society of Criminology (ASC). Along with the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President of ASC, Dr. Baumer will exercise leadership in the field of criminology nationally and abroad. The VP serves as part of the ASC Executive Committee, the ASC Executive Board, Chair of the Publications Committee,a nd Editor of the Criminologist.
Tagged: Awards, Faculty
westcott runners
Thank you for choosing to support the College of Criminology & Criminal Justice’s inaugural Blue Light Memorial 5k and the Fallen Officer Memorial! You may register for the race by clicking here, or can make a donation for the memorial by clicking here. Please contact Lindsay Volpe with any questions.
Tagged: Events
westcott runners
The College of Criminology & Criminal Justice is excited to announce that registration is now open for the upcoming Blue Light Memorial 5K Run/Walk event on September 11, 2013. The event is the first of its kind for the College and will be held in honor of law enforcement officers who have given their life while serving in the line of duty. All proceeds from the event will go toward a Fallen Officer Memorial at our new location on campus, historic Eppes Hall.
Tagged: Events
fsu seal
Aspiring to become a law enforcement professional? Then don’t miss the upcoming on-site career event hosted by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office on June 24-28! For more details and information on how to register for this event contact Elvira Huggins.
Tagged: Careers, Students
Bill Doerner
The editorial board of Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management has selected a research project conducted by an FSU father-son team as one of the most impressive scholarly studies it published during 2012. The article, written by William M. Doerner and William G. Doerner, examines the impact of professional accreditation on clearance rates in Florida police agencies over the 1997‒2006 period.
fsu seal
The College of Criminology and Criminal Justice is excited to share that we are offering a new pilot program during the summer 2013 semester. Starting with the Summer C term, campus students can choose to take elective classes online that will count toward criminology major requirements! CJL 4038: Law, Society and the Administration of Justice, CCJ 4938: Criminal Justice Policy, and CCJ 4614: Criminal and Delinquent Behavior will be available for the Summer C term and will count toward the Criminology major elective requirement.
Tagged: Students
fsu seal
“I would absolutely recommend the Relgalf Scholarship program to other students. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity that helped me achieve my goals in life, and it is something that I know can help others to do the same thing.” – Corey Casey
Tagged: Awards, Students
fsu seal
The College of Criminology & Criminal Justice is happy to announce that Colin Jacobsen is one of two students to win the Edward H. and Marie C. Kingsbury Undergraduate Writing Award and $2,000 cash prize for the Outstanding Honors Thesis at FSU! This is the second time in three years one of our students has won this award, given annually to recognize outstanding writing at the undergraduate level as reflected in an Honors in the Major thesis.
fsu seal
The Great Give, a 36-hour online fundraising event, officially kicks off TODAY! From 9 a.m. today until 9 p.m. tomorrow, April 19, 2013, you have a chance to show support for the College of Criminology & Criminal Justice and its programs by making a donation.
Tagged: Events, Students