
FSU’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice is home to the nation’s number one criminology faculty in the world. Our team of experts is ranked number one in the nation for research productivity and are among the top 10 for grant acquisition. Many of our faculty are industry experts and offer extensive research on topics like gun control, biosocial criminology and social control, to name a few.

Research Brought to Life

Our mission is to build an intellectual community that is comprised of students, professors, alumni, practitioners, and policy makers. Through our community’s focus on research, education, and service, we seek to bring research to life by directing our academic efforts to make a lasting societal difference, contributing to improving society by reducing the suffering, pain, and cost of crime in all aspects of the criminal justice system. Through these efforts, we seek to create future leaders in our field that possess critical, research, and application skills, helping them succeed in their future careers and achieve their goals to improve society at large.

Thomas G. Blomberg and Julie Brancale. 2018. Crime Control Policy. In (Richard Wright, ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Julie Brancale, Thomas G. Blomberg, and William D. Bales. 2018. Electronic Monitoring. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press
Gomes, Silvia. 2018. How Do Foreign Women End Up in Prison? An Intersectional Approach of Criminal Pathways. Female Crime and Delinquency in Portugal: In and Out of the Criminal Justice System (pp. 75-104). London: Palgrave Macmillan
Gomes, Sílvia, & Duarte, Vera. 2018. Female Crime and Delinquency in Portugal: In and Out of the Criminal Justice System. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Jennifer Copp, Peggy C. Giordano, Wendy D. Manning, & Monica A. Longmore. 2018. Parental Incarceration and Child Well-being: Conceptual and Practical Concerns Regarding the Use of Propensity Scores. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 4(1), 1-12
Jennifer Copp, Peggy C. Giordano, Monica A. Longmore, & Wendy D. Manning. 2018. The development of attitudes toward intimate partner violence: An examination of key correlates among a sample of young adults. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Aizpurua, Eva, Jennifer Copp, Jorge J. Ricarte, and David Vazquez. 2018. Controlling Behaviors and Intimate Partner Violence among Women in Spain: An Examination of Individual, Partner, and Relationship Risk Factors for Severe Physical and Psychological Abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Peggy C. Giordano, and Jennifer Copp. 2018. Girls’ and Women’s Violence: The Question of General versus Uniquely Gendered Causes. Annual Review of Criminology
Soller, Brian, Jennifer E. Copp, Dana L. Haynie, & Alena Kuhlemeier. 2018. Adolescent Dating Violence Victimization and Relationship Dissolution. Youth & Society
Jennifer Copp, Bruce G. Taylor, & Elizabeth A. Mumford. 2018. Financial Behaviors, Couple-Level Conflict, and Adolescent Relationship Abuse: Longitudinal Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Research on Adolescence
Nadel, Melissa, George B. Pesta, Thomas G. Blomberg, William D. Bales, and Mark Greenwald. 2018. Civil Citation: Diversion or Net Widening?. Nadel, Melissa, George B. Pesta, Thomas G. Blomberg, William D. Bales, and Mark Greenwald
Thomas G. Blomberg. 2018. Making a Difference in Criminology: Past, Present and Future. American Journal of Criminal Justice
Julie Brancale, Thomas G. Blomberg, and George B. Pesta. 2018. Elder Financial Exploitation in the United States. In Emil W. Plywaczewski and Ewam Guzik Makaruk (Eds.) Current Problems of the Penal Law and Criminology. Eigth Edition. Warsaw, Poland: C.H. Beck
Hughes, Cresean, Patricia Y. Warren, Eric A. Stewart, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Daniel P. Mears. 2018. Racial Threat, Intergroup Contact, and School Punishment. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 54(5): 583-616
Eric A. Stewart, Brian D. Johnson, Patricia Y. Warren, Jordyn Rosario, and Cresean Hughes. 2018. The Social Context of Criminal Threat, Victim Race, and Punitive Sentiment toward Black and Latino Defendants. Social Problems